Wednesday, February 10, 2010

OlympicTorch Relay

Had an awesome experience today as a torch bearer for the Olympic Torch Relay. Today was the three year anniversary of my stroke. I didn't really think too much about that today. I was thinking more about no tripping and lighting someone on fire.

Seriously, I have been working with Heather Branscombe, a neuro-physio in Abbotsford to see if I can learn to run again. Today I jogged about half of the 300 metres. I'm very excited because I really think that I may be able to run again. I didn't really focus on the crowd very much because I was focusing on not falling. However, today really was for me. It was about me recognizing that I can push the envelope and start jogging.

The one thing about carrying the torch I was not prepared for was the impact it had on other people. I had many many people want to take pictures or have their picture taken with the torch. At my son's school they had someone who was supposed to come in and see the kids. However they only got to one classroom. I went up and spent the afternoon so each child could get their picture taken with the torch. The kids were so excited. I'm glad I got the opportunity. Tonight I have the first session of the Sun Run Walking clinic.